Toutons Benedict

Toutons Benedict
Toutons Benedict

I do look forward to my weekend brunches and this one really hit the spot. Toutons instead of a toasted English muffins are much better as the base for this twist on a classic brunch dish. Fried tomato slices are delicious with this brunch and are just excellent with the freshly made Hollandaise Sauce.

Now I know some of you are thinking why didn't he use fried bologna instead of ham? Don't Newfoundlanders love fried bologna? Well I don't much care for bologna, fried or otherwise really, but fill yer boots if you'd rather use that. I happened to have some beautiful Dijon Mustard and Demerara Sugar Glazed Ham leftover from supper the other night which I sliced thin and lightly fried before slipping it on top of a warm touton along with a poached egg and a simple blender version of Hollandaise Sauce.
You can find the simple touton recipe here or try buying store bought pizza or bread dough.

Originally published on May 1, 2011.

Easy Summer Savoury Hollandaise Sauce
4 toutons
4 poached eggs
8 ounces thinly sliced and lightly fried ham

Easy Summer Savoury Hollandaise Sauce

3 egg yolks

1/2 teaspoon yellow mustard
1 - 2 tablespoons lemon juice
1/2 tsp fresh or dried summer savoury
1/2 cup hot melted butter

In a blender combine the egg yolks, mustard and lemon juice for only a few seconds. With the blender on medium speed, slowly pour in the hot butter in a thin stream. The sauce should thicken quite quickly. Pour into a bowl and keep the bowl warm in a warm water bath while preparing the other components of the Toutons Benedict.

Place the cooked ham on the warm toutons, top with a poached egg and finally the Hollandaise sauce.